§ 1 Scope of application, definitions
(1) For the business relationship between the provider WES Systeme Electronic GmbH (hereinafter referred to as "provider") and the customer (hereinafter referred to as "customer"), the following General Terms and Conditions of Business apply exclusively in the version valid at the time of the order. Deviating general terms and conditions of the customer will not be accepted unless the provider explicitly agrees to their validity in writing.
(2) The customer is a consumer within the meaning of § 13 BGB (German Civil Code), insofar as the purpose of the ordered deliveries and services cannot be predominantly attributed to his commercial or self-employed professional activity. On the other hand, according to § 14 BGB, an entrepreneur is any natural or legal person or partnership with legal capacity who, when concluding the contract, acts in the exercise of his commercial or independent professional activity.
§ 2 Conclusion of contract
(1) The supplier sells his products exclusively to entrepreneurs and comparable institutions. A conclusion of contract with consumers does not come about. Reference is made to § 1 paragraph 2. The offers of the provider are not binding.
(2) The supplier sells his products in a merchandise shop and via an online shop. When ordering via the online shop, the following applies to the conclusion of the contract: The customer can select products, especially electronic systems, from the provider's product range and collect them in a so-called shopping cart by clicking the button "add to cart". By clicking on the button "order subject to payment", the customer submits a binding application to purchase the goods in the shopping cart. Before sending the order, the customer can change and view the data at any time. However, the application can only be submitted and transmitted if the customer has accepted these contractual terms and conditions by clicking on the button "accept terms and conditions" and thereby included them in his application.
(3) By clicking on the order button, the customer makes a binding declaration to the vendor that he wishes to purchase the goods marked at the time of clicking in the specified quantity and in accordance with the offered prices and other conditions. After clicking the order button, the Customer will receive a declaration from the Provider confirming the order. The contract is only concluded upon receipt of the order confirmation or advance payment invoice or delivery. The text of the contract will be saved according to the legal requirements. If there are no price details for the article or if the value "0" is noted, this is an error; in this case no contract has been concluded.
(4) After successful registration in the online shop of the provider, the stock levels of all articles are visible. If a larger quantity of an article is ordered than indicated, or if the note "Goods already reordered" appears, the reservation of self-supply applies.
(5) Offers of the provider have a validity of 10 days, beginning with the day of the offer letter. If the order qualifies as an offer according to § 145 BGB, the provider can accept it within 10 days, starting with the day of the order letter.
(6) All verbal agreements and explanations made between the provider and the customer before or during the conclusion of the contract are invalid without written confirmation by the user.
(7) The contract is concluded in German.
§ 3 Delivery, availability of goods, default of acceptance
(1) Delivery times indicated by the supplier are calculated from the time of the order confirmation, prior payment of the purchase price assumed.
(2) If no copies of the product selected by the customer are available at the time of the customer's order, the supplier shall inform the customer immediately in the order confirmation. If the product is permanently unavailable, the provider will refrain from a declaration of acceptance. In this case a contract does not come off.
(3) If the product designated by the customer in the order is only temporarily unavailable, the provider shall also inform the customer of this immediately in the order confirmation.
(4) If the customer is in default of acceptance or violates other obligations to cooperate, the provider is entitled to demand compensation for any damages incurred, including any additional expenses. In this case, the risk of accidental loss or accidental deterioration of the purchased item shall also pass to the Customer at the point in time at which the Customer defaults on acceptance.
§ 3a Damage in transit
Transport damages are the responsibility of the customer. The goods are in a defect-free condition when handed over to the delivery company. If the goods are damaged during transport, the customer must notify the delivery company immediately upon receipt of the goods. A copy of the notification of damage is to be sent to the supplier.
§ 4 Retention of title
(1) The delivered goods remain the property of the supplier until full payment has been made.
(2) Goods may only be resold and used in the ordinary course of business. If the customer does not meet his payment obligation after the expiration of the payment deadline and after reminders by the vendor, the vendor is entitled to demand the return of the delivered goods. In this case the customer is obliged to return the goods at his own expense.
(3) The Customer hereby assigns to the Supplier all claims against his customers arising from the resale of the goods. The Supplier accepts the assignment. At the written request of the Supplier, the Customer is obliged to make the assignment of the claim in writing and to certify the direct debit authorization to the Supplier and to notify the assignment of the claim against the third party.
(4) If the goods delivered to the customer become an essential component of another object through processing or combination, it is deemed to be agreed that the customer transfers co-ownership to the provider in the sense of § 947 para. 1 BGB.
(5) The assertion of the retention of title shall not be deemed to be a withdrawal from the contract. Pledging or transfer by way of security by the customer is not permitted as long as the goods have not been paid for. In case of seizure, confiscation or other measures of third parties or in case of loss of the goods, the customer is obliged to inform the supplier immediately.
§ 5 Prices and shipping costs
(1) All prices, which are indicated on the website of the provider, are exclusive of the respective valid legal sales tax as well as plus shipping and delivery costs, unless otherwise indicated.
(2) The corresponding delivery costs are indicated to the customer in the order form for online orders, or in the case of orders based on an offer by order confirmation, and are to be borne by the customer, unless otherwise expressly agreed.
(3) The goods shall be shipped by mail or freight forwarder, unless self-collection has been agreed.
(4) The customer bears the shipping risk. Insurances against transport damages of all kinds can be taken out by the provider against payment of the corresponding costs.
§ 6 Terms of payment, invoice
(1) The customer can pay by immediate bank transfer, invoice, prepayment, cash on delivery, Paypal or cash on site. After activation by the provider and subject to a positive creditworthiness information, the payment of the purchase price with payment deadline is possible.
(2) The customer can change the payment method stored in his user account at any time.
(3) The customer receives an invoice for the purchase price by e-mail in PDF form. If the customer requests an invoice in paper form by post, he must indicate this in the comments field when ordering. The customer is automatically in default if the invoice is not paid 30 days after receipt by the customer. In the case of payment by cash on delivery, the goods must be paid for upon acceptance of the goods. If acceptance is refused, the costs incurred as a result shall be borne by the customer. In the event of default, the Customer shall pay the Provider default interest for the year at a rate of 9 percentage points above the base interest rate.
(4) The Customer's obligation to pay interest on arrears does not preclude the Provider from asserting further claims for damages caused by default.
§ 7 Warranty for material defects, guarantee
(1) The provider is liable for material defects in accordance with the applicable statutory provisions, in particular §§ 434 ff. BGB. The warranty period for items delivered by the provider is limited to 12 months.
(2) The freedom from defects of software created by the provider is guaranteed according to the following provisions: The software is programmed according to the recognized rules of the art of programming and the current state of the art at the time of the conclusion of the contract. However, the parties agree that it is not possible to completely exclude errors in data processing programs under all conditions of use according to the state of the art. Relevant errors, and therefore errors that trigger warranty claims, are therefore as follows:
a.) Errors which lead to the computer system not fulfilling one of its defined tasks in such a way that the result corresponds to the quality customary in the trade; no adjustment to the individual operational requirements of the user is owed.
b.) Irrespective of this, errors within the meaning of this provision are all syntactical and logical errors in the program, provided that they significantly impair the use of the system. User-friendliness or user convenience, the interface and screen design and the comprehensibility of the documentation are only errors if they significantly impede the use of the system. For this purpose, the Provider hereby assigns to the Customer the warranty rights to which he is entitled vis-à-vis the program manufacturer.
(3) The phenomenon known as "image sticking", which can occur with mostly static image display on monitors regardless of the manufacturer, does not constitute a defect in the sense of para. 1.
(4) In order to preserve the customer's claims for defects, defects must be notified to the provider in writing without delay, but at the latest within two weeks of delivery. The defective objects are to be kept ready for inspection by the provider in the condition in which they are at the time of the discovery of the defect.
(5) An additional guarantee exists for the goods delivered by the vendor only if this was expressly stated in the order confirmation for the respective item. Any guarantees of the manufacturer remain unaffected by this.
§ 8 Haftung
(1) Ansprüche des Kunden auf Schadensersatz sind ausgeschlossen. Hiervon ausgenommen sind Schadensersatzansprüche des Kunden aus der Verletzung des Lebens, des Körpers, der Gesundheit oder aus der Verletzung wesentlicher Vertragspflichten (Kardinalpflichten) sowie die Haftung für sonstige Schäden, die auf einer vorsätzlichen oder grob fahrlässigen Pflichtverletzung des Anbieters, seiner gesetzlichen Vertreter oder Erfüllungsgehilfen beruhen. Wesentliche Vertragspflichten sind solche, deren Erfüllung zur Erreichung des Ziels des Vertrags notwendig ist.
(2) Bei der Verletzung wesentlicher Vertragspflichten haftet der Anbieter nur auf den vertragstypischen, vorhersehbaren Schaden, wenn dieser einfach fahrlässig verursacht wurde, es sei denn, es handelt sich um Schadensersatzansprüche des Kunden aus einer Verletzung des Lebens, des Körpers oder der Gesundheit.
(3) Die Haftung auf entgangenen Gewinn wird ausgeschlossen.
(4) Die Einschränkungen der Abs. 1 bis 3 gelten auch zugunsten der gesetzlichen Vertreter und Erfüllungsgehilfen des Anbieters, wenn Ansprüche direkt gegen diese geltend gemacht werden.
(4) Die sich aus Abs. 1 bis 3 ergebenden Haftungsbeschränkungen gelten nicht, soweit der Anbieter den Mangel arglistig verschwiegen oder eine Garantie für die Beschaffenheit der Sache übernommen hat. Das gleiche gilt, soweit der Anbieter und der Kunde eine Vereinbarung über die Beschaffenheit der Sache getroffen haben. Die Vorschriften des Produkthaftungsgesetzes bleiben unberührt.
§ 9 Umtausch oder Rücknahme
Der Umtausch oder die Rücknahme von Produkten erfordert die Zustimmung des Anbieters, ein Anspruch des Kunden besteht nicht. Für den entstandenen Aufwand berechnet der Anbieter eine Bearbeitungsgebühr In Höhe von 15% des Netto-Warenwerts sowie die angefallenen Porto- und Verpackungskosten. In Ausnahmefällen kann die Rücknahmegebühr auch höher ausfallen, darüber informiert der Anbieter den Kunden rechtzeitig.
§ 9a Fertigung nach Kundenvorgaben
(1) Bestellt der Kunde Waren, die aufgrund seiner Vorgaben angefertigt werden oder einer besonderen Bearbeitung bedürfen, so sind dieselben von einer Auftragsstornierung, sowie vom Umtausch und der Rückgabe ausgeschlossen.
(2) Kommt der Kunde seinen Pflichten zur Freigabe und oder Bezahlung nicht nach, so ist der Anbieter berechtigt nach vorheriger Aufforderung vom Vertrag zurückzutreten. Der Rücktritt kann via E-Mail oder schriftlich erklärt werden. Der Kunde hat den bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt entstandenen Aufwand zu ersetzen.
§ 10 Geheimhaltungspflichten, Haftung des Kunden
(1) Der Kunde erhält zu seiner Kundennummer ggf. ein Passwort. Das Passwort kann jederzeit nach dem Login geändert werden. Der Kunde ist verpflichtet, sein Passwort sorgfältig zu behandeln, und es so aufzubewahren, dass eine Kenntnis Dritter nicht möglich ist. Erlangt ein Dritter vom Passwort Kenntnis, so hat der Kunde das Passwort sofort zu ändern oder durch den Anbieter unverzüglich sperren zu lassen.
(2) Der Kunde haftet gegenüber dem Anbieter für den Missbrauch seines Passwortes, soweit er diesen Missbrauch durch vorsätzliches oder grob fahrlässiges Handeln zu vertreten hat. Er haftet jedoch nur bis zu dem Zeitpunkt, bis zu dem die Mitteilung über die Kenntnisnahme Dritter dem Anbieter zugegangen ist.
§ 11 Informationspflichten des Kunden
(1) Der Kunde hat für den Abschluss des Vertrages und dessen Abwicklung gegenüber dem Anbieter die notwendigen Daten und Informationen mitzuteilen. Dazu gehören insbesondere Name, Firma, Anschrift, Telefonnummer, E-Mail und Umsatzsteuer-Identnummer, soweit vorhanden. Angaben, die darüber hinausgehen, kann der Kunde dem Anbieter freiwillig mitteilen. Der Kunde versichert gegenüber dem Anbieter, dass alle von ihm gemachten Angaben zu seiner Person, Firma oder Unternehmen der Wahrheit entsprechen.
(2) Sofern sich die Daten des Kunden, insbesondere Name, Firma, Anschrift, Telefonnummer oder E-Mail ändern, verpflichtet sich der Kunde dem Anbieter gegenüber, diese Änderung unverzüglich schriftlich oder durch Änderung seiner Daten über das Internetangebot des Anbieters mitzuteilen. Unterlässt der Kunde die Mitteilung über die Änderung von Daten oder entsprechen die von ihm gemachten Angaben von vornherein nicht der Wahrheit, so ist der Anbieter berechtigt, vom Vertrag zurückzutreten, soweit ein solcher überhaupt zustande gekommen ist.
§ 12 Export von Waren durch den Kunden
Es wird darauf hingewiesen, dass die Ausfuhr der vom Anbieter gelieferten Waren unter Umständen nur mit vorheriger behördlicher Zustimmung erfolgen darf. Diese Zustimmungserklärungen sind vom Kunden vor dem Versand der Ware einzuholen.
§ Article 13 Final provisions
(1) The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply to contracts between the provider and the customers to the exclusion of the UN Sales Convention.
(2) Hanau (Federal State of Hesse) is agreed as place of jurisdiction. The provider is at the same time entitled to sue at the location of his branch office.
(3) The place of performance is the registered office of the provider, unless expressly agreed otherwise.
(4) Only the general terms and conditions of the provider apply. AGB of the customer do not become part of the contract, unless expressly agreed in writing.
(5) The contract remains binding in its remaining parts even if individual points are legally ineffective. In place of the ineffective points, the legal regulations, if any, shall apply. However, if this would represent an unreasonable hardship for one of the contracting parties, the contract as a whole shall become invalid.